Welcome from the Headteacher
Headteacher (ID 1250)
Mrs L J Graham
Mrs L J Graham
A warm hello to all parents and carers,
As you know, I have just taken over the role of Head Teacher at Thorp Primary School. I may have already met some of you in the playground this week! I am extremely excited to work with the staff and pupils of this wonderful school and I am keen to gather the thoughts of the whole school community in taking us forward on this incredible journey. Please bear with me whilst I find my feet and be reassured that I will soon be in touch to offer:
-Parent meetings to ‘Meet the Head Teacher’ -Weekly newsletters of events in school (commencing Friday 13th September) -A parental survey for your thoughts and ideas -Improved communication around your child’s achievements -Action upon priorities that you deem important to school life
My vision is that we, at Thorp, foster an open, honest and welcoming ethos, with a commitment to having an open-door policy where you will have the chance to engage even more with the school’s progress; continuing to build our vision of ‘Shaping lives for future success’.
Mrs Lisa J Graham (B.Ed PESS)